a snapped heel (2020)

a short film


A tough and ruthless lawyer, Alex (34) gets trapped in an elevator in New York City during an unexpected earthquake and is pushed to her limit. For thirteen hours with no food, water, and surrounded by darkness. With her life hanging from a cable, her brain cloudy and weakened by the trauma. Will she get out safely?


Our crew has decided not to pay ourselves. The funds will go toward food, transportation, filming permits, building the set, insurance, and paying our talented cast of actors. I am excited to share my directorial debut!

A SNAPPED HEEL moodboard copy.jpg


Suspense Thriller

Length of ProjecT:

20 min


The overall goal is to merge the anxiety effect of “BURIED” with Ryan Reynolds and “127 HOURS” directed by Danny Boyle. We want the viewer to feel the anxiety and stress that Alex is feeling in the elevator.

Her pain, fear, and feeling of hopelessness. We want all of that to fall onto the viewers’ shoulders.

This film will nervous and anxious, yet captivated.

Now, with wildfires, in the mix of a pandemic, “A Snapped Heel” ties the nervous editing style of “UNCUT GEMS” directed by the Safdie Brothers with the humanizing family storyline seen in many natural disaster movies.

Her pain, fear, and feeling of hopelessness. We want all of that to fall onto the viewers’ shoulders.


Hello! My name is Matthew Seidenwurm. I am a working actor featured in shows like "30 Rock," "MTV's Singled Out," and I'm an aspiring Writer/Director. 

This campaign is to fund my directorial debut, "A Snapped Heel," which is a suspense thriller focusing on Alex Hawkins, a tough and ruthless lawyer who gets stuck in an elevator during an unexpected earthquake in New York City.

The budget will go straight to making this passion project a reality. A few items we need help with are: Renting a warehouse studio, Insurance for a 3-4 day shoot, Hair, make-up, props, Filming permits around NYC. And most importantly, food for our fantastic crew and cast.


The crew and I will not be taking a rate for this production; instead, we will do volunteering to do this passion project.

The Story: 

An unexpected earthquake hits New York destroying generators and power-grids across the city. Alex Hawkins trap, suspended, in an elevator for thirteen hours with no food and water and in the dark. We follow Alex and her attempts at finding help and escaping, but after a tremor causes her to hit her head, she can no longer think straight. Shortly after, a series of quakes hit, causing the elevator to tremble, and Alex gets thrown around and injured. With none of her escape plans working, Alex will watch her phone run through its battery with no service as she further loses hope. With her life on the line, her brain cloudy, and weakened by the trauma, will she get out safely?

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TONE and Style

Merging the anxiety effect of “BURIED” starring Ryan Reynolds and “127 HOURS” directed by Danny Boyle. We want the viewer to feel the anxiety and stress that Alex is feeling in the elevator. Her pain, fear, and hopelessness. We want all of that to fall onto the viewers’ shoulders. But make it in a way where they’re sitting on the edge of their seats, nervous and anxious, yet captivated. “A Snapped Heel” will also tie the edgy editing style of “UNCUT GEMS” directed by the Safdie Brothers with the humanizing family storyline seen in many natural disaster movies. There will be a very ominous, suspenseful tone to the film. I plan to keep the audience engaged by circling the idea of hopelessness and lack of control. I show this through Alex, who is an adamant Lawyer. She is very ruthless and focused on work, forgetting about her surroundings. But when put in the elevator, she is forced to become a completely different person. She no longer has the control she’s used to, and to make matters worse. She is having her weaknesses thrown at her. She’s out of her element.

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“A Snapped Heel” is a unique bottle film exploring claustrophobia, anxiety, and the fear of abandonment and loneliness during a natural disaster. From a marketing perspective, this film aims to place in major film festivals around the country. The story is compelling not because it is about a damsel in distress, but because it highlights the power of vulnerability. As the breadwinner and a partner at a law firm Alex and is tough, she’s ruthless, a powerhouse to be reckoned with, which is both her most substantial power but her greatest weakness. We have used so many elements during Alex Hawkin’s time in the elevator to humanize her and make her likable to the audience.  This film is 100% worth your time, as it deals with the anxieties that we all face. As a born and raised New Yorker, elevators play such a pivotal role in the city’s functionality. Unbeknownst to most, NYC sits on a fault line that runs through 125th street. Although unlikely to do anything, this fault line has the power to completely level the city to rubble. However, fictional this story may be in the present. This natural disaster is a reality the City can and will be required to face one day.